Saturday October 5th, 2013 Athens, Greece
Time for one last spin around Plaka before heading out to the airport.
We wandered through the streets and made our way up to Parliament Square, site of the previous days “funny walks” incident. On the way to the square, we noticed crowds gathering and then came across a couple of large vans disgorging several squads of riot police. Greece is in a fairly dire state of political and economic unrest with high debt and unemployment – and the people were venting their frustration with a rally. It turned out to be all very friendly with the two opposing sides taking turns to express their opinions via bullhorns in front of the parliament building. The democratic process at work, in the birthplace of democracy.
We arrived in Amsterdam at about 8pm for the last stop on this vacation; the 3 1/2-hour flight up from Athens and taxi ride to the hotel were fairly uneventful. Following check-in, we had a quick bite to eat in the hotel bar followed by a short stroll along the adjacent canal before collapsing into bed – knackered!
It seemed appropriate, having started in Venice, to be ending our trip in "The Venice of the North".