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Friday, January 6th, 2023 At Sea Queen Mary 2

Neil Wylie

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

The weather has turned very cold, 35F, and the there is a bit of swell creating a nice rolling motion on board ship; we are little over a third of the way across the Atlantic currently crossing the Grand Banks.

We are having a very restful day. After so many years of working, now that I'm finally retired, I can really appreciate just being able to sit and read or chat and not worry about meeting a deadline or being a slave to a calendar. Lunch in the Red Lion pub was a bit frustrating, our feeling that the ship is understaffed gained further credence as we waited 45 minutes for our lunch to arrive; this is so unusual for Cunard and we can only hope that things improve – especially on the next leg of our voyage, 101 nights on the Queen Victoria.

In the late afternoon, as the outside temperature dropped even further, our cabin became uncomfortably cold. With the thermostat set to the maximum, the room would still not warm up, so I placed a call to the cabin steward. After an hour no one had yet responded, so I called again - this brought the steward to the cabin to ask for clarification of our request; I tried to remain calm. Another half hour passed, and the steward returned to say that the maintenance crew were going from cabin to cabin, and they would eventually get to us. Finally, about 3 hours after my original call, a tech appeared outside our cabin and was working on the heating system via the access hatch. Eventually things began to warm up. The temperature control in the cabin is not helped by the glass doors to the balcony being single pane. The ship is now 20 years old; I'm guessing when it was built double glazing wasn't an option. We had a fabulous dinner at the alternative dining venue, it was Indian night; we've had this meal on all three Cunard ships over many years and it never disappoints – it helps that there are many Indian chefs in the crew.



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